Saying Good-bye to a Special Man

This month I'm participating in the Slice of Life Challenge.  Please visit Two Writing Teachers to read other Slice of Life stories and leave a comment or two.

For the last 5 years, I've had spaghetti dinner from the Italian Club in Akron with my Uncle Jack on the Tuesday of my spring break.  We began the tradition right after my Aunt Cathi died.  The two of them used to go to Carovalisse every Tuesday night when the club was open.  Two weeks after my aunt's death, I spent my spring break with him so he would't be alone in the house.  Being with him brought me the comfort I needed after losing my aunt and I hope that I did the same for him.

 This year, I was traveling for spring break and I made a promise to myself that I would get spaghetti with him this summer.  When I got a message from my mom to call her back, I could hear in her voice that something was wrong.  I called her from Charleston and got the news.  Uncle Jack had a heart attack the night before and passed away.

I have a hole in my heart.

So many wonderful memories...

He was my second dad whose arms opened for me without question when I needed a shoulder to cry on.  Growing up, he took my side whether I was right or wrong.  I knew that I could count on him no matter what.

  Uncle Jack was a dancer.  He and my aunt loved to dance and they knew how to cut a rug.   Dancing with him at my wedding holds a very special place in my heart.  As he guided me across the floor, he talked to me about having a happy marriage.  "You've got a good guy," he told me.  "You two are going to have a good life."   I took his words to heart because he and my aunt were my role models for a strong marriage.  I wanted what they had.

He lived life with gusto.  He loved with all his heart.  He argued with all his might.  And, oh, was he stubborn.  But, to me, he was the best.  I am going to miss him.

Uncle Jack and Aunt Cathi


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry! Take care of you and your family. We are thinking of you! Jennifer Sniadecki

  2. What a beautiful tribute! I am so sorry for this loss in your life. The picture is so telling. Good love--good life.

  3. What a beautiful tribute! I am so sorry for this loss in your life. The picture is so telling. Good love--good life.

  4. I'm sad for your loss, but happy I got to meet Uncle Jack. Thank you for sharing this slice of him.

  5. So sorry. It's so hard to lose a special person in our lives. Prayers for you and your family.

  6. So sorry. It's so hard to lose a special person in our lives. Prayers for you and your family.

  7. Julie,
    So sorry to hear about your loss. Your Uncle Jack sounds like a great man. I'm guessing there are a lot of stories waiting to be told.


  8. I'm so sorry for your loss Julie. Treasured memories will help you as you continue to think and possibly share your story.

  9. I'm sorry to hear your sad news - your Uncle Jack was a special man, and that shines through in this slice.

  10. I feel like we lost a lot of special people this past winter and early spring. I am sorry for your loss but encourage you to treasure your memories!

  11. This is a beautiful tribute, Julie. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    ~Kathryn E.

  12. I am sorry for your loss.

    I love the image of your Uncle Jack dancing with you at your wedding and confiding in you that you had "a good guy"ā€¦those things do mean so much when they come from someone we trust and admire!

  13. So sorry for your loss. You have written a beautiful tribute. He sounds like a wonderful man.

  14. So sorry for your loss. You have written a beautiful tribute. He sounds like a wonderful man.

  15. I am so sorry -- sounds like you might want to have that dinner with your family in his honor--cook up spaghetti, roll up the rug, dance a few dances and remember old times. He and your Aunt will be with you --dancing together.

    1. That was a great tribute you had with uncle Jack. I never knew you were that close. That's awesome. Stay strong cousin julie

    2. That was a great tribute you had with uncle Jack. I never knew you were that close. That's awesome. Stay strong cousin julie

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