Spring Break with the Puppies 6-Image Story Day 15 of 31

Today's post is cross posted at Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Challenge and Reflections on the Teche DigiLit Sunday.  Please check in at both sites to read other posts and leave some comment love.

"Mom, she's touching me!"
"Mom, make him stop.  He's on my part of the seat!"

I remember wondering if my children would ever be friends.  I had hope.  My sisters and I used to have some down and dirty hair pulling, scratching brawls and we ended up being very close.  But at the time, I was hesitant to believe that the same could happen for my children.

Fast forward 10 years, and my hopes are realized.  Our children are best of friends and hang out together whenever they can.

Two years ago,  Molly, Zach and Annie decided that they were going to visit all the National Parks together.  They've hit quite a few and today they will meet up at the Shenandoah National Park, with puppies in tow.  They've been planning the trip for months (changing their plans for a visit to the Great Smoky Mountains when they discovered that puppies lure the bears in).  This is a siblings only trip.  Mom and Dad are not invited and that's ok with us.  We are so happy that they have this special bond.

I used Animoto to create this 6 image story (I took some liberties with the 5 image story).

Tomorrow's Digital Writing club will be creating 5 image stories.  I found some great information on Wesley Fryer's site, Show What You Know with Media.

You'll want to check out this video .  He got me in his first sentence, "I love encouraging teachers to play with media."  He continues by saying that when we give ourselves opportunities to play with different apps and technologies, we will become more comfortable with how these tools can be used for learning in our classrooms.  Yes!  This thinking is the foundation of why Cathy and I created the Digital Maker Playground.

I also bought his ebook Mapping Media to the Curriculum and am anxious to dive into it.

So, tomorrow, my students and I are going to play with telling stories visually, dabble in a few different tools, and create.  Play is such an important part of our after school club and I'm looking forward to spending the afternoon learning alongside them.


  1. Loved the video...and what cute puppies. How cool that your children have planned visiting the National Parks. Isn't it amazing how they grow to be so close? That looks like a yummy breakfast. Jackie http://familytrove.blogspot.com/

  2. I am a huge fan of Animoto. After testing, I think we will make 6-image stories. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. So many things to respond to in this post! First, I love that your grown children have found friendship with each other - this is also my wish for my daughters as they grow into adulthood! It will help when Libby moves to Columbus for her job at Nationwide in the summer and will be close to Katie at OSU! Secondly, I love your Animoto. My students are creating book trailers with Animoto this week, and they are SO excited!

  4. Echoing the other commenters, I think it's great that your adult children have set this exciting goal. I enjoyed the Animoto as well -- it really tells a story.

  5. I love Wes Fryer's work. I used to listen to his podcasts on the way to school. I enjoyed the layers in this slice too: learning, family love, puppies and a digital tool. I am very curious about the egg dish--looks delicious!

  6. Julie,
    I love that your children are taking this trip. I love it even more that they are taking the puppies. I'm sure there will be stories to tell.

    Thanks for sharing Animoto. It's an application I have played with here and there, but have never really put to use. Maybe I need to rethink this a bit.


  7. It’s wonderful that siblings can develop such strong bonds.


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